First part
Cities around the world are facing a crisis related to the management and use of water due to the increase in demand caused by population growth, climate change and poor management of water resources. The problem is no less felt in the so-called smart cities, where environmental sustainability and a better exploitation of natural resources should be facilitated by the use of new technologies, capable of combating scarcity and guaranteeing increasingly safe, optimal, sustainable and renewable use of water.
In all situations, the basic question is clear: people, nature, cities and the economy need water and efficiency is the key and the challenge that must be faced with innovative and sustainable technological solutions to reduce waste and increase the availability of good quality water. Hence the commitment to improve the quality of freshwater water bodies, in terms of quantity and quality, to reduce pollution, to improve the distribution network, to collect and treat urban wastewater in order to have a sufficient quantity available of good quality water, both for human use and for irrigating parks or cleaning cities.
During the Italian Water Dialogue we will talk about digital technologies and A.I.:
a) Security of water supply (protection of the territory and hydrogeological risk)
b) Risk analysis of each element of the water system (captation works, plants, aqueducts, pipelines, tanks, distribution network, user derivations, etc.)
c) Monitoring of the quality and quantity of surface and deep freshwater resources (protection of the territory and hydrogeological risk)
d) Control of microbiological, chemical, physical pollution
e) Efficiency and sustainable management of distribution systems and prevention of leaks (ensure universal and equitable access to the hydro-drinking supply chain)
f) Tariff and containment of consumption
g) Reuse and recycling of urban waste water
h) Control of bathing water
i) Mitigation of the effects of climate change
j) Management of emergencies (drought, floods, natural events, cyber attacks, etc.)
k) Staff training
Second part
The experimentation of Cooperation Labs in the context of participatory programming